Friday, July 15, 2011

Thank You Tennesee & Thak You Fukushima!


I learned this important thing from all deaf/hard of hearing children in Fukushima.

I'm glad to met these awesome children and deaf school teachers in Fukushima.

And, I'm glad to got this wonderful opportunities from my hard of hearing friends in TN. 

Guys, I really would like to see you again because I love Deaf schools in Fukushima! 

This is the reason why I did not say "Good bye" to the schoolmaster and vice principal before I left from deaf school. 

Everyone, please do not misunderstand about Fukushima.

I attache some pictures on today's article. 

I hope these photos make you smile and happy. 

Again, I love Fukushima and deaf schools in Fukushima!! 

At Deaf School in Aizu Wakamatsu

At Deaf School in Fukusima City

Presents from Deaf Children in Aizu Wakamatsu 

Present from Deaf Children in Aizu Wakamatsu

Present from Deaf Children in Fukushima City

PS: I'm going to Miyagi and Iwate sometimes this summer for providing donations from TN. 

I cannot wait to meet deaf/hard of hearing children in Miyagi and Iwate. :) 


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Santa Claus from America

Hello Everyone. Do you Remember me?? :) 

Today, I would like to tell you about heartful stories. 

On June 19th, at the Hearing Loss Association of America's convention, I met two ladies who came from TN.

They asked me to help deaf/hard of hearing children in disaster areas. 

Soon after I got this wonderful question from them, I e-mailed to the Professor in the University of Tokyo. 

He agreed with their suggestions, and he tried to contact schoolmaster in deaf school in Fukushima.

"How many deaf children are there in Fukushima??"

The schoolmaster told us "There are 69 children around Fukushima." 

According to schoolmaster, there are 4 deaf schools in Fukushima.

I told these information to two ladies who I met at the HLAA convention. Then, they corrected staff animals, coloring books, crayon, tooth pastes, tooth brushes,  and 

And, they sent these donations to my house in Indiana.

On July 13th, I returned to Japan with a lot of donations. 

And, I went to Fukushima with my friend by his car. 

Today, I visited two deaf schools in Kōriyama City and Iwaki City. 

All Children were always smiling at me. 

They were very strong and pure persons. 

I'm glad to met these brave children. 

I attached two photos on this article.

I now can tell you the truth strongly, "JAPAN IS SAFE." 

Please do not misunderstand about people of Japan, especially Fukushima. 

Tomorrow, I will visit two more deaf schools in Fukushima.

I will upload more pictures on this blog. 

Anyway, thank you very much for your kindness, HLAA Nashville Chapter!!

At Deaf School in Koriyama City 

At Deaf School in Iwaki City

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Rumors Lead to The Misunderstanding

Today, I want to explain about the negative propaganda which is cased by harmful rumors.

As you know, Fukushima nuclear power plants had exploded. 

And,  many  people concerns about radiation problems.   

For this reason, some countries held demonstration for against nuclear power plants in their countries.

Of course, Japanese people knew these actions by TV news, Internet news, or newspapers.  

However, several press corps do not inform readers about details of incidents.   

It's true that the most readers misunderstand incidents due to the lack of the credibility.

They should not disturb readers by wrong information. 

Misinformation always makes fear and creates anxiety. 

So, I want to say the press corps, "Don't misuse the freedom of the press for getting subscribers."      

I guess this problems could be seen not only in Japan but also in overseas....  

Today, I want to introduce Japanese people about my misunderstanding of big demonstrations in Germany.

One of my German friends explained me the details of this incident from facebook.












shohaku(わたし):: By the way, I heard from my friend in Köln, Many Germans take actions against building new nuclear plant. Is this correct news??


My German friend(ドイツ人のお友達):: yes, you must know, a lot of german people are since years against nuclear energy/power (like me, the yellow sign in my profile pic says "nuclear energy, no !". Even here in Germany a lot of little incidents happened in nuclear plants. But we had luck, it was not so dramatic like in Japan, and it was not because of natural disaster . But the german / east german government did not say anything to us ... .



My German friend(ドイツ人のお友達)::BTW germany not only take actions againgst new nuclear plants, they also want that all existing nuclear plants should be closed .


Shohaku(わたし):: I did not know what happened to Germany in these several years.. I see. Many German people against both building new nuclear plants and exsiting current/old nuclear plants. And I also understood your profile picture's means. This is good action. However, I am concern if German people hate Japanese people due to the nuclear plants's accidents in Fukushima. ;(


My German friend(ドイツ人のお友達):: No, why should we hate Japanese ? It is their opinion if they want nuclear energy or not. In fact, the german people feel sorrow for the japanese.


Shohaku:: I'm glad to here about that, ○○(Name of my friend). ;( I like Germany so much. I really want to visit Germany again. However, I heard from News, some foreigners hate Japanese due to the radioactive pollutions problems. So, I am concerned about harmful rumors about nuclear plants in Fukushima. But I am very glad that most German people feel sorrow for the Japanese. Danke!! Danke schoen!!!




  • ドイツは今回の福島県で起きた原発事故以前(東西ドイツ時代)から国で原発について議論をしていたこと。
  • 日本人に向けてのデモではなく自国の政府にむけての行動とのこと。
  • ドイツの人々はみんな日本で起きた事に対してショックを受け、被災している方々のことを自分の家族のように心配していること。







ここアメリカでも大手新聞会社の一つであるNYタイムズやCNN、FOX TV NEWSなどいった大手メディア会社が「日本は支援物資を受け取らない」などといった誤情報を報道するときがあります。


とくに、原発のことに関しては「シーベルト マイクロシーベルト ベクレル」などといった難しい物理専門用語について、きちんと説明するべきだと思うのです。










PS: To my German friend,

Ich bedanke mich recht herzlich. ;) 

Shohaku/ Airi

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dear Japanese Hearing Impaired People

Today, I wrote my blog by Japanese.

These words are the messages for Japanese hearing impaired people. 


日本で被災しておられる方々、そして今もなお 不自由な環境の中で生活しておられる方々へ。



みんなの思いがみなさんに届きますように… :) 

「被災している日本人の難聴者、そしてろう者の人達へ。避難所で嫌なことがあっても、めげないで。おれたちみんなはあなたたちの味方だ。日本人は強い。だからそ、この困難な中でも誰一人も愚痴を言わない…いや、言えないのかもしれない。そういうとき人間は孤独を感じるものだ。もし、そうなったとき心の中で「自分は一人じゃない。自分には世界中に難聴の仲間がいるんだ」と思い返して欲しい。今は無理して笑わなくていい。泣きたいときは泣け!そして、その後はまた前に進んでいけ!日本人は他の国にはない武士道の精神がある。日本は必ず復興する。それまでにたくさんの困難があるとは思うが、日本人なら必ず乗り越える!GANBARE NIPPON.」

Dear Japanese! Big greetings to you from Russia! =) I believe that you are all well! I give you my smiles =) =) =) =) =) And I hope you'll smile!!!! Fighting!!!!!!! I am Russian.


Our prayers from New Jersey go out to you.


My condolences for all the Japanese people in this hard times. You are giving a lesson to the world: you are showing us your virtues in the way you, the citizens, are dealing with this terrible situation - patience, politeness, organisation -. In the Spanish discussion forums, news and comments I am reading to follow the news from Japan there's no doubt that you will overcome, and you will do it soon because other of your virtues are the perseverance and hard work. You certainly must be proud of yourselves and I admire you. All the best from a Spanish hearing impaired.


Good luck to the people of Japan, and especially to the Hard of Hearing & Deaf.


You keep strong and smiling! Wishing you the best from Holland.


We feel sorry to see what happened in Japan, but same time we know Japanese are brave and they will rebuild everything. Our prayer with all of you Japanese. And we are sending warm wishes to Japanese Hard of Hearing people and we hope they all will get their hearing aids and CI repaired or replace, and start hearing the world again, soon. Akram from Danishkadah – Pakistan


Sunday, March 20, 2011

On A Moonlit Night.....

Dear moon, 

I am so jealous of you, because you can see everything around the earth.

What did you see in Japan? 

How many people cried at you?

Oh dear, there is nothing wrong with you.

Don't lose your strong mind.

But you should cry if you feel sad and lonely.

Dear moon, 

Please give all victims your fond looks. 

This is my wish for you...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

What We Can Do?

Recently, I got a lot of bad news from Japan. 

These news always make me sad easily...

However, yesterday, I heard very hearty news from Yahoo! Japan.  

Little  boy donated his money, JPY5,000. 

In fact, he was saving money to buy Nintendo 3DS.

So, his mother asked him, "Are you sure? If you donate your money, you cannot buy Nintendo 3DS. You know?"

But, the boy answered, "I want to build houses for earthquakes and Tsunami victims."

After  he put money into the donation box, he cried finally.

And,  his mother said to him, "You are brave. Tsunami victims will stay in the worm houses by your money. "

I strongly admire this little boy and his mother. 

Boy, you are so brave and kindness.  :) 

His mother should be proud of her son. 

JPY 5,000 is not big money for adults but VERY big deal for him.

Now, What we can do to help victims in Japan? 

Donating money,  sending dailylife supplies, and praying.

We speak different languages, believe in different  religions and  live in different racial / ethic groups.

But we are all living in the same planet.

Please keep pray for Japan. 

And, please write comments on this blog.

I am still waiting your message for encouraging Japanese hearing impaired people, audiologists, and hearing aid dispensers/dealers. 

Thank you very much for your attention.  :) 


Friday, March 18, 2011

We All Japanese Never Lose from This Difficult Situation!!

As you know, many Japanese people are fighting with earthquakes and nuclear / radiation accidents.

However, most Tokyo citizens are keep going to their work place everyday, even though they are living in the dangerous situation.

Why Japanese people do not complain about inconvenience situations?

Because this is one of our virtues, called "忍耐"(perseverance/patience).

I am so proud of my home country, Japan. The land of the rising sun!! :)

I am sure we will overcome this difficult situation. We will never give up! :D

Cheer up, Tohoku, Tokyo, Fukushima, and AROUND JAPAN!!!

Everyone, please keep pray for Japan.

This is my wish for YOU!!! ;)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Need Your Power!


My name is shohaku. 

I am Japanese hearing impaired college student.

Currently, I am studying in the USA to become an audiologist. 

This blog, "Because I wanna see your smile again" is blog for encouraging Japanese hearing impaired people who are suffering from the earthquakes and accidents in atomic powered generation. 

In fact, some hearing impaired people are having communication problems with people in the evacuation centers, because there is no sign language interpreter. 

Also, some hard of hearing people lost/broken their hearing aids by damages from earthquakes or Tsunami.

So, I sent e-mail to major hearing aid companies and CI companies around the world such as Phonak, SIEMENS, GN Resound, Oticon, MED-EL, Cochlear, Advanced-Bionics etc... 

Fortunately, most these companies decided to provide hearing aid/CI batteries and repair their products by Free!!! 

However, most Japanese hearing impaired people are still having psychological problems.  

I strongly want to decrease their stress.

I strongly want to bring them smile.

But I cannot do by myself.

I need other deaf or hard of hearing people who are living IN THE WORLD.

Please give me your  encourage message.

Please show me your pure hearts.

 I named this project, "Sending Genkidama for hearing impaired in Japan."

Please spread this link to your deaf/hard of hearing friends.

If you have friends such as Audiologists, hearing aid dispensers, and hearing aid dealer, please tell them about this project also.

Some hearing aid dispensers and dealers are also living in the evacuation centers.

The rule of the project

  • write your comments on this blog. 
  • Avoid long comments.
  • Avoid short sentence.
  • Write your nationality. 
  • Don't use slander words.
  • Make them positive.
  • Make them Smile!
  • Use English language only!   

I will translate English to Japanese after I check your comments surely.

Now, It's time to make a big GENKIDAMA!!
"Everyone, Please give me your energy!!!! "