These news always make me sad easily...
However, yesterday, I heard very hearty news from Yahoo! Japan.
Little boy donated his money, JPY5,000.
In fact, he was saving money to buy Nintendo 3DS.
So, his mother asked him, "Are you sure? If you donate your money, you cannot buy Nintendo 3DS. You know?"
But, the boy answered, "I want to build houses for earthquakes and Tsunami victims."
After he put money into the donation box, he cried finally.
And, his mother said to him, "You are brave. Tsunami victims will stay in the worm houses by your money. "
I strongly admire this little boy and his mother.
Boy, you are so brave and kindness. :)
His mother should be proud of her son.
JPY 5,000 is not big money for adults but VERY big deal for him.
Now, What we can do to help victims in Japan?
Donating money, sending dailylife supplies, and praying.
We speak different languages, believe in different religions and live in different racial / ethic groups.
But we are all living in the same planet.
Please keep pray for Japan.
And, please write comments on this blog.
I am still waiting your message for encouraging Japanese hearing impaired people, audiologists, and hearing aid dispensers/dealers.
Thank you very much for your attention. :)
Do you know any link to make donations? It would be good if you can post links to help.