Friday, March 18, 2011

We All Japanese Never Lose from This Difficult Situation!!

As you know, many Japanese people are fighting with earthquakes and nuclear / radiation accidents.

However, most Tokyo citizens are keep going to their work place everyday, even though they are living in the dangerous situation.

Why Japanese people do not complain about inconvenience situations?

Because this is one of our virtues, called "忍耐"(perseverance/patience).

I am so proud of my home country, Japan. The land of the rising sun!! :)

I am sure we will overcome this difficult situation. We will never give up! :D

Cheer up, Tohoku, Tokyo, Fukushima, and AROUND JAPAN!!!

Everyone, please keep pray for Japan.

This is my wish for YOU!!! ;)

1 comment:

  1. My condolences for all the Japanese people in this hard times. You are giving a lesson to the world: you are showing us your virtues in the way you, the citizens, are dealing with this terrible situation - patience, politeness, organisation -.

    In the Spanish discussion forums, news and comments I am reading to follow the news from Japan there's no doubt that you will overcome, and you will do it soon because other of your virtues are the perseverance and hard work.

    You certainly must be proud of yourselves and I admire you.

    All the best from a Spanish hearing impaired.
